Storytelling on a thrill ride

An established (and widely adored) thrill ride was being refurbished to create new ride / show sequences that remained true to the original experience. Three distinct story sequences were required. Schedule and budget targets required a focused, specific effort. Conceptually, it was determined that sound should drive the narrative of the experience, with ride and visual elements following the lead of the soundtrack. SSI was asked to collaborate with the creative team to help develop story treatments that leveraged audio’s ability to articulate environments and story, and to then create custom audio for the experience.

Articulating a ride vehicle

A thrill ride based on a well known sci fi vehicle was in development. While this vehicle had an established audio vocabulary from films, the presentation in the movie was very different from the one guests would encounter on the ride. Ride vehicle sounds had to support an extended, on board perspective that articulated a very specific ride profile in a high noise floor show space. Guests on the attraction would be in an overwhelming, visceral experience (a very different mental state than those sitting still in a theater). The ride vehicle itself featured a proprietary audio playback system that was designed for the very specific requirements of the attraction. In short, the unique demands of the attraction dictated that new, specific sonic material be created. Having developed material for several thrill ride projects which required a high degree of onboard vehicle sound articulation working in conjunction with multichannel wayside audio elements, SSI was asked to create audio textures and sound effects for the new experience.

Device based sound design contributions for a motion picture

Intrigued by the idea of SSI’s extensive use of physical devices for sound effects design, a sound supervisor asked SSI to collaboratively apply their physical sound design approach to specific effects and sequences. SSI designed and built an ensemble of mechanical devices to support specific moments within the film — and then performed, recorded, and assembled those sequences into design sessions which could then be incorporated into the workflow of the editors and sound designers working on the film.

Emphasizing story and gameplay on an interactive ride

A ride based interactive attraction allowed guests to shoot targets throughout highly themed and active show environments. Targets responded with audio and motion when hit. Hand held shooting devices incorporated speakers. Dialog and narration punctuated key story beats, and music played a prominent role throughout. The interactive nature of the attraction encouraged a chaotic environment and many scenes were not acoustically isolated from each other. Having encountered and addressed similar potentials for cacophony in the past, SSI was asked to create sound effects and audio environments which maximized story and gameplay clarity while mitigating cacophony in substantially active audio environments.


A queue line passed through a large, richly themed, moody industrial space punctuated with supernatural story beats. Guests wound through two floors that were acoustically open to each other. The space was densely populated by elaborate show set pieces, many with speakers located inside of them to facilitate source audio. Dozens of discrete audio tracks were distributed over hundreds of speakers to support multichannel soundscapes and sound effects of specific show set pieces. Music played a minor role in this space. Hundreds of guests were in this area for up to 20 minutes. Portions of this space required that sound in no way prevent the ability for staff to clearly convey safety information to guests. SSI was engaged to create an authentic, believable soundscape for this unique space.


A large scale family attraction was in development which would immerse guests in the world of classic cartoons. Stylized classic sound effects were heavily utilized, but sounds had to also authentically and believably convey that guests had been transported into a rich cartoon environment. SSI was asked to re-create classic devices that no longer existed, repair and restore classic devices that no longer functioned, and design and construct new mechanical sound devices inspired by early sound effect artists. SSI was asked to collaborate with the composer to ensure that the artful orchestration between sound effects and music (a hallmark of classic cartoons) remained a key component of the soundtrack. SSI was asked to ground these classic sound effects with audio textures and soundscapes to reinforce the notion that guests were moving through fully formed cartoon worlds, and which helped orient them throughout rapidly changing environments.


A large scale family ride through attraction was in development. Dialog would play a major role throughout the ride. Many key story beats would be conveyed through large, impactful sound effects. Music would be ever-present and active. The ride experience would dramatically shift and change through contrasting environments. The audio for this attraction would be a dense, active soundscape with a very high potential for cacophony. SSI was asked to collaborate with the creative and technical teams during the conceptual phase of the project to inform script and show development. SSI created tools for evaluating the pacing and density of developing sound tracks to determine which sonic element (music, dialog, narration, effects) would most effectively deliver the most critical story information at each moment along the attraction timeline. SSI formed the basis of an audio palette approach which also clearly demonstrated the anticipated tone of the soundscape. By setting tone, and facilitating this degree of evaluation, SSI was able to advise strategies for creating custom audio content that would address or mitigate audio challenges, discover opportunities for cost savings, provide options and suggestions for story and environment articulation, and provide a more accurate assessment for the full scope of audio creation efforts.


A playground designer wanted to incorporate physical sound making devices into one of the items on a playground in development. A conceptual approach was needed, in addition to prototypes which would be provided to the manufacturer for integration into their build process. SSI was asked to propose three sonic devices that could be incorporated into a piece of playground equipment. Following the approval of this proposal, they designed and constructed three prototypes which were then delivered to the playground manufacturer to inform fabrication.


A large theme park area was in development which would be themed in a jungle style setting with ancient ruins, mythical creatures, and supernatural overtones. The fictional native inhabitants of this area had a diverse and rich backstory and culture. Music and sound environments were to play a key role in articulating not only the environment, but the culture of the inhabitants and key story moments which telegraphed throughout the entire space. As such, the area would not be supported with conventional BGM / BGA, but rather an elaborate tapestry of sound which blurred the lines between music and environmental sounds and that scored the guests experience as they moved through the space. SSI was involved to create place setting sound effects and audio environments, and to collaborate with the composer and creative teams to develop a cohesive soundtrack which articulated this environment in a consistent, authentic, believable manner.


In the course of installing audio on a themed thrill ride, it was discovered that certain show action doors were not providing enough isolation to contain the sounds of screaming guests from being heard in an adjacent show space. The show space was a dark, eerie scene with prominent supernatural overtones. Fixing the issue was a top priority for the project creative leads, but cost estimates to alter the doors were well over budget. SSI was asked to determine if custom audio content could help mitigate this issue through masking. SSI determined that it could, and then created material which addressed the issue to the full satisfaction of the project leads.


Storytelling on a thrill ride

An established (and widely adored) thrill ride was being refurbished to create new ride / show sequences that remained true to the original experience. Three distinct story sequences were required. Schedule and budget targets required a focused, specific effort. Conceptually, it was determined that sound should drive the narrative of the experience, with ride and visual elements following the lead of the soundtrack. SSI was asked to collaborate with the creative team to help develop story treatments that leveraged audio’s ability to articulate environments and story, and to then create custom audio for the experience.

Articulating a ride vehicle

A thrill ride based on a well known sci fi vehicle was in development. While this vehicle had an established audio vocabulary from films, the presentation in the movie was very different from the one guests would encounter on the ride. Ride vehicle sounds had to support an extended, on board perspective that articulated a very specific ride profile in a high noise floor show space. Guests on the attraction would be in an overwhelming, visceral experience (a very different mental state than those sitting still in a theater). The ride vehicle itself featured a proprietary audio playback system that was designed for the very specific requirements of the attraction. In short, the unique demands of the attraction dictated that new, specific sonic material be created. Having developed material for several thrill ride projects which required a high degree of onboard vehicle sound articulation working in conjunction with multichannel wayside audio elements, SSI was asked to create audio textures and sound effects for the new experience.

Device based sound design contributions for a motion picture

Intrigued by the idea of SSI’s extensive use of physical devices for sound effects design, a sound supervisor asked SSI to collaboratively apply their physical sound design approach to specific effects and sequences. SSI designed and built an ensemble of mechanical devices to support specific moments within the film — and then performed, recorded, and assembled those sequences into design sessions which could then be incorporated into the workflow of the editors and sound designers working on the film.

Emphasizing story and gameplay on an interactive ride

A ride based interactive attraction allowed guests to shoot targets throughout highly themed and active show environments. Targets responded with audio and motion when hit. Hand held shooting devices incorporated speakers. Dialog and narration punctuated key story beats, and music played a prominent role throughout. The interactive nature of the attraction encouraged a chaotic environment and many scenes were not acoustically isolated from each other. Having encountered and addressed similar potentials for cacophony in the past, SSI was asked to create sound effects and audio environments which maximized story and gameplay clarity while mitigating cacophony in substantially active audio environments.


A queue line passed through a large, richly themed, moody industrial space punctuated with supernatural story beats. Guests wound through two floors that were acoustically open to each other. The space was densely populated by elaborate show set pieces, many with speakers located inside of them to facilitate source audio. Dozens of discrete audio tracks were distributed over hundreds of speakers to support multichannel soundscapes and sound effects of specific show set pieces. Music played a minor role in this space. Hundreds of guests were in this area for up to 20 minutes. Portions of this space required that sound in no way prevent the ability for staff to clearly convey safety information to guests. SSI was engaged to create an authentic, believable soundscape for this unique space.


A large scale family attraction was in development which would immerse guests in the world of classic cartoons. Stylized classic sound effects were heavily utilized, but sounds had to also authentically and believably convey that guests had been transported into a rich cartoon environment. SSI was asked to re-create classic devices that no longer existed, repair and restore classic devices that no longer functioned, and design and construct new mechanical sound devices inspired by early sound effect artists. SSI was asked to collaborate with the composer to ensure that the artful orchestration between sound effects and music (a hallmark of classic cartoons) remained a key component of the soundtrack. SSI was asked to ground these classic sound effects with audio textures and soundscapes to reinforce the notion that guests were moving through fully formed cartoon worlds, and which helped orient them throughout rapidly changing environments.


A large scale family ride through attraction was in development. Dialog would play a major role throughout the ride. Many key story beats would be conveyed through large, impactful sound effects. Music would be ever-present and active. The ride experience would dramatically shift and change through contrasting environments. The audio for this attraction would be a dense, active soundscape with a very high potential for cacophony. SSI was asked to collaborate with the creative and technical teams during the conceptual phase of the project to inform script and show development. SSI created tools for evaluating the pacing and density of developing sound tracks to determine which sonic element (music, dialog, narration, effects) would most effectively deliver the most critical story information at each moment along the attraction timeline. SSI formed the basis of an audio palette approach which also clearly demonstrated the anticipated tone of the soundscape. By setting tone, and facilitating this degree of evaluation, SSI was able to advise strategies for creating custom audio content that would address or mitigate audio challenges, discover opportunities for cost savings, provide options and suggestions for story and environment articulation, and provide a more accurate assessment for the full scope of audio creation efforts.


A playground designer wanted to incorporate physical sound making devices into one of the items on a playground in development. A conceptual approach was needed, in addition to prototypes which would be provided to the manufacturer for integration into their build process. SSI was asked to propose three sonic devices that could be incorporated into a piece of playground equipment. Following the approval of this proposal, they designed and constructed three prototypes which were then delivered to the playground manufacturer to inform fabrication.


A large theme park area was in development which would be themed in a jungle style setting with ancient ruins, mythical creatures, and supernatural overtones. The fictional native inhabitants of this area had a diverse and rich backstory and culture. Music and sound environments were to play a key role in articulating not only the environment, but the culture of the inhabitants and key story moments which telegraphed throughout the entire space. As such, the area would not be supported with conventional BGM / BGA, but rather an elaborate tapestry of sound which blurred the lines between music and environmental sounds and that scored the guests experience as they moved through the space. SSI was involved to create place setting sound effects and audio environments, and to collaborate with the composer and creative teams to develop a cohesive soundtrack which articulated this environment in a consistent, authentic, believable manner.


In the course of installing audio on a themed thrill ride, it was discovered that certain show action doors were not providing enough isolation to contain the sounds of screaming guests from being heard in an adjacent show space. The show space was a dark, eerie scene with prominent supernatural overtones. Fixing the issue was a top priority for the project creative leads, but cost estimates to alter the doors were well over budget. SSI was asked to determine if custom audio content could help mitigate this issue through masking. SSI determined that it could, and then created material which addressed the issue to the full satisfaction of the project leads.